Diseases And Treatments
Gallbladder Stones Removal Without Surgery, Operation: How To Dissolve & Pass Gallstones Fast Naturally
Gallbladder Stone Removal Natural Treatment Without Surgery, Operation: How To Dissolve & Pass Gallstones Fast Naturally
Natural Remedies For Gallstones Removal
Natural Ways To Pass Gallstones
Statistical research shows that about 15 percent of American adults are suffering from gallstones. Even more, nearly 1 million surgeries performed in the United States are related to gallstones. The problem with most gallbladder problems lies in the fact that many of its primary symptoms may not be easily detected during the early stages. As a result, many people may be suffering from gallstones without even being aware of it.
And while there are many standard medical treatments for gallstones, such as the use of medications and surgery, many people find natural remedies more suitable.
If you belong to this group of people searching for effective natural treatment options for gallstones, then, you should read on as you are at the right place. Here, we give some helpful tips on how you can dissolve gallstones naturally without the need for surgery.
Most people with gallstones only become aware of it when the symptoms become severe. In this article, we shall take a look at not only the natural remedies for gallstones, but the symptoms and causes of the condition.
Before we go into the meat of the matter, let us make some quick definitions.
What is the gallbladder?
The gallbladder is a small organ (like a pouch) in the body that is connected to the liver and the small intestine. The primary function of the gallbladder is to store bile produced by the liver, which is then released into the small intestine when needed for digestion of fats.
Since this book is about gallstones, it was necessary for us to understand what the gallbladder is, as that is the major organ affected by gallstones.
Moving on, let us get the definition of gallstones.
What are gallstones?
A gallstone is a small mass of concrete mineral salt deposit in the gallbladder. Gallstones, also known as cholelithiasis, are hard lumps that arise from excess bile salts or cholesterol in the liver.
Types of gallstones
While gallstones differ in size and shape ? some can be as small as a grain of sand, while others can be the size of a tennis ball, they are basically grouped into one of two types: pigment gallstones and cholesterol gallstones.
Pigment gallstones: Any gallstone that is formed as a result of excess bilirubin deposit in the gallbladder is referred to as pigment gallstones. Pigment gallstones are usually black or brown in colour.
Cholesterol gallstones: This type of gallstones is formed when undissolved cholesterol from bile is deposited in the gallbladder. Cholesterol gallstones are the more common type of gallstones in man.
What causes gallstones?
Basically gallstones may be caused by either of three reasons:
Excess cholesterol in the bile: Most gallstones are caused when there is an excess of cholesterol in the body. As a result, the amount of bile produced in the liver is not adequate to breakdown the cholesterol processed by the liver. The excess cholesterol combines with calcium and other substances in the gallbladder to form a hard mass that is then deposited in the gallbladder.
Excess bilirubin: Bile contains many chemical substances, one of which is bilirubin. Bilirubin is a pigment that forms after red blood cells are broken down. An excessive amount of bilirubin in the liver is the main cause of pigment gallstones.
Gallstones can also arise from too much bile salt in the gallbladder. This problem is normally the result of a malfunctioning gallbladder.
Risk factors for gallstones
The following factors can increase the risk of developing gallstones:
- Being a woman
- Age: People aged 40 years and above are more likely to develop gallstones than others
- Being overweight or obese
- Poor dieting
- Eating a low-fiber food
- Lack of physical exercise
- Being pregnant
- Family history of the condition
- Rapid weight loss
- Being a diabetic
- Having a liver problem
- High LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in the body
Symptoms of gallstones
Major signs and symptoms of gallbladder stones include:
- Pain in the abdominal region
- Back pain
- Nausea and vomiting
- Yellowing of the skin
- Fever and chills
- Itchy skin
- Increased heartbeat
- Loss of appetite
Natural remedies for gallstones removal without surgery
Following are some effective methods for dissolving gallstones without the need for surgery or medicine:
- Apple juice: According to some anecdotal reports, apple juice can be used to soften gallstones. This gallstone-softening property is attributed to the presence of malic acid in the juice. Also, this acid helps to get rid of any waste from the liver and gallbladder. A glass of fresh apple juice every day can help to reduce gallstones.
- Turmeric: It is needless to mention the health benefits of turmeric, which is a common kitchen spice. Here, the anti-inflammatory effects of turmeric can be harnessed in treating gallstones. This remedy can be prepared by mixing half a teaspoon each of turmeric and honey, and then consuming once each day.
- Gallbladder cleanse: Gallbladder cleanse or flush is a combination of various herbs, fruits, and oils. A gallbladder cleanse involves eating or drinking certain liquids for some days without any other type of food. An effective example is a six-day gallbladder cleanse plan that starts with drinking four glasses of apple juice for the first five days, and then, on the sixth day, drink a glass of Epsom salt water and after two hours, drink a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice.
- Milk thistle: Milk thistle has natural detoxifying properties that should benefit people with gallstones. The presence of silymarin in milk thistle has been attributed to its gallstone-dissolving effect. You can prepare a milk thistle remedy by boiling some ground milk thistle seeds in 3 cups of water, leaving to steep for about 20 minutes, and then drinking the filtered tea. Two cups of milk thistle tea every day can help to get rid of gallstones. The herb can be gotten in capsule and tonic forms, and can be gotten in most health stores.
- Cranberry juice: The tangy nature of cranberry juice can help to prevent the buildup of bile salts in the gallbladder, which is one of the causes of gallstones. Drinking one glass of cranberry juice daily is an effective remedy for gallstones, and also helps to keep the liver and gallbladder in good health.
- Pear juice: Drinking pear juice three times every day can help you to get rid of gall stones. This is because pear contains pectin, which plays a role in the removal of cholesterol in the body. For this, mix half a glass of pear juice with half a glass of hot water and 2 tbsp of honey and consume.
- Green tea: The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of green tea can be beneficial to people suffering from gallstones. You only need to prepare and drink the herbal tea every day to benefit from it. You can brew green tea by boiling 2 tsp of green tea leaves in a glass of water, filter the tea, add a little honey and drink while warm.
- Artichoke: Artichoke extract can be used to reduce gallstones. While research on the matter is scanty, available studies show that artichoke extract supplements can be used to promote the production of bile in the liver.
- Radish: Moderate consumption of radish is another helpful natural solution for gallstones. Radish helps by promoting the flow of bile in the gallbladder so as to prevent an accumulation. To use radish for the purpose of dissolving gallstones, peel and cut a radish plant, then, blend the radish with small water to make a juice and drink.
- Psyllium: Eating foods low in fiber can increase the risk of gallstones, as previously mentioned. Thus, bulking up on fiber can be beneficial in the treatment and prevention of gallstones. Psyllium is a fiber-rich food that can help in the treatment of cholesterol gallstones. To prepare a natural remedy using psyllium, add a teaspoon of psyllium to a cup of water and consume at once.
- Red bell peppers: Red bell peppers contain significant amounts of vitamin C, which is an essential body vitamin. Increasing the level of vitamin C in the body by consuming red bell peppers is a natural way of dissolving gallstones.
- Apple cider vinegar: The acidic property of apple cider vinegar can be used to treat gallstones. This liquid helps to reduce excess cholesterol in bile, which is a common reason for gallstones. A glass of water with 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar mixed with one teaspoon of lemon juice drank first after waking every morning is a great solution for gallstones.
- Cucumber, beetroot, and carrot juice mixture: A mixture containing equal amounts of carrot, beetroot, and carrot juices can help to bring the gallbladder back to its normal state. Don?t forget that cucumber contains so much water that is beneficial for detoxification, while carrot juice is rich in vitamin C, which helps to break down cholesterol.
- Peppermint: Peppermint contains terpene, a chemical that can dilute gallbladder stones. In addition, peppermint promotes the flow of bile in the body. Prepare a remedy by boiling some dried peppermint leaves in water, strain, and then drink.
- Lemon juice: Diluting lemon juice in a glass of warm water and drinking can help to get rid of gallbladder stones. Like other citrus fruits, lemon is rich in vitamin C, which is required for the dissolution of gallstones. Besides, hydrating with water will help to improve gallbladder pain.
- Epsom salts juice: Drinking a cup of Epsom salt solution every night is another natural way of dissolving gallbladder stones. You need to be aware, however, that you may experience some side effects like acute diarrhea after drinking this juice.
- Dandelion tea: Dandelion root tea can be taken by people with gallstones. This tea can be brewed by boiling some crushed dandelion roots, steeping for some time, and then filtering. Dandelion is able to help this way because of its effect on the gallbladder. Chemical compounds in dandelion help to stimulate bile removal and breakdown of fats, which are necessary for a healthy gallbladder.
- Castor oil: The anti-inflammatory property of castor oil comes into play here. You can make a castor oil remedy for gallstones by heating a cup of castor oil, soaking a cloth in the oil and wringing, and then, placing the cloth in the right part of the abdomen. Ensure that the compress is kept in place for about 30 minutes by wrapping around the belly.
- Gold coin grass: This is a native Chinese herb that has been used for the treatment of gallstones in traditional Chinese medicine. Gold coin grass can be gotten in powder or liquid form as a supplement in health stores.
- Drinking wine: According to research, drinking half a glass of red wine daily can help to reduce gallbladder stones. You need to be cautious though, as more research is needed to confirm this.
- Coffee: Drinking a cup of coffee every day will not only to dissolve gallstones, but to prevent their formation as well. Caffeine in coffee is responsible for this, as it promotes the easy removal of gallstones from the gallbladder.
- Acupuncture: Symptoms of gallstones, such as back pain and nausea may be reduced through acupuncture, according to research. And though the results seem promising, it is important to understand that the research does not say whether acupuncture can help to dissolve the gallstones.
Warning and conclusion
While almost anybody can try any of the above-mentioned natural remedies for gallstones, it is important that you first consult with a doctor. This is necessary, especially if you are on some kind of medication, so that you don?t experience any drug interactions and unwanted side effects.
That said, you should also note that the remedies listed herein may not work the same way for you, as with others. Hence, you should only try what works best for you, and that is after first talking with your doctor.
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