Pain Relief
Home Remedies For Toothache Pain: How To Get Rid Of Toothache, Tooth Infection Pain Fast At Home
You most likely must have at some point suffered from a toothache or you actually have one now. The pain that comes from a toothache can cause so much discomfort that chewing or eating is almost impossible. It is normal then that you would want some relief from the aching tooth or gum. A toothache can arise from a lot of conditions which include:
- Tooth decay.
- Grinding the teeth.
- Tooth Abscess.
- Poor brushing habits.
- Gum disease.
- Misalignment of the teeth.
- Tooth fraction.
- Food particles in the teeth.
- Sensitivity.
- Sinus infection.
- Faulty tooth fillings.
To find some relief from a toothache, many people prefer home remedies to over-the-counter drugs or a visit to the dentist for many reasons. For some, the fear of treatment is one reason why they prefer home remedies while others believe natural home remedies are more effective. A number of people, however, cannot visit a dentist because of lack of time, due to busy schedules. Whichever your case is, be rest assured that you will find home remedies that are also very effective in this article. However, these home remedies only offer a temporary relief from the pain, perhaps in-between appointments with your dentist.
The salt-water rinse is an effective method of soothing a toothache before seeing your doctor as it is a very easy and economic remedy. It is a natural disinfectant which help removes food particles or debris that is lodged in-between your teeth as well as removing bacteria from the enamel. It also possesses some anti-inflammatory properties which stop swelling of the gums by drawing out some of the fluid that causes this inflammation. This home remedy heals oral wounds as well.
Take half a teaspoon of salt (preferably sea salt) and dissolve in a cup of warm water. Use the solution as a mouthwash for a duration of 30 seconds to a minute after which you spit out the contents in your mouth. It soothes the pain because it is absorbed in the surface lining due to its osmotic effect. You can decide to cleanse your mouth with an over-the-counter antiseptic mouthwash. You can use the salt-water rinse as many times a day, especially after every meal, when you wake up or before you go to bed at night. It provides a temporary relief from pain.
What makes the hydrogen peroxide rinse stand out is its ability to render the bacteria useless even before removing them. It also provides relief from inflammation and facilitates the healing of bleeding gums. This disinfectant and antiseptic, however, doesn?t offer a permanent relief from the pain or ache.
Take 3% of the hydrogen peroxide and dilute in equal parts of water. Use the diluted hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash. Hold the solution for a few minutes in your mouth before spitting out its content. Ensure that you don?t swallow the solution because it can cause problems in your intestine and stomach.
In addition to reducing swelling due to inflammation, the cold-compress causes the blood vessels in the aching area to constrict. This constriction reduces the pain.
Take a bag of ice (or you can use a healing clothe to wrap the ice) and place on the affected area for 20 minutes. You can also place the bag of ice on your cheeks on the side of the affected area to numb the nerves. Repeat several times in a day.
Researchers believe that rubbing ice on the space between the forefinger and thumb till it gets numb will stop pain signals from being sent to the brain, thereby relieving pain associated with the teeth.
Peppermint is a very effective painkiller and that is why it is used in a wide range of health products. It contains menthol, an antibacterial component which stops the growth of bacteria that cause a cavity in addition to giving fresh breath. Peppermint soothes sensitive gums and numbs the pain.
Take a used peppermint teabag which has been allowed to cool down, but still warm and then applies on the surface of the affected area. For persons who do not have sensitive gums, you can place the teabags for a few minutes in a freezer and apply on the affected area.
Alternatively, boil a teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves in water for 20 minutes to use as a mouthwash. Peppermint oil can be used as well because of its anesthetic and antiseptic properties.
Garlic contains allicin; a powerful antibiotic which provides relief from pain caused by bacteria in the teeth and prevents the spread of infections by killing the bacteria.
Create a paste by crushing the garlic clove, adding a little salt if you wish and apply to the affected area. You can also chew the garlic if you want to. The antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, and antifungal properties make it an effective pain reliever and help in removing bacteria. A disadvantage of using garlic as a home remedy is that it causes bad breath.
Vanilla extract is an antioxidant that aids effective healing of wounds in the gums. It also contains alcohol which can help to numb the pain for a brief period of time. Apply a small amount of the extract on a cotton ball and apply gently to the affected area. Using vanilla extract is unsafe for children because it contains alcohol.
Clove has been used throughout history to treat toothaches due to its ability to reduce inflammation in the gums and numbs the pain caused by inflammation. It contains eugenol which has anesthetic and antiseptic properties.
Clove can be used as a remedy in the following ways:
- Dipping a cotton ball in clove oil and applying on the affected tooth.
- Making a mouthwash by placing a few drops of clove oil in water.
- Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water after which you place 2-3 cloves to chew around the affected area. This releases oil which can prevent further infection and aid healing.
It is important that you do not apply clove oil on a sensitive gum because this would only make the pain worse.
Guava leaves as a result of their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties help to heal wounds and reduce swelling of gums. Crush some guava leaves in boiling water and use as a mouthwash or chew fresh guava leaves if you prefer.
Thyme contains thymol, an active ingredient with antiseptic and antifungal properties. Thyme helps to prevent tooth decay and toothaches because it is a powerful antibacterial agent.
Put few drops of thyme oil on a cotton ball and add a drop or two of water, after which you should apply to the affected area. Alternatively, put few drops of thyme oil in water and heat to boiling temperature. Use as a mouthwash when it cools down.
Wheatgrass is effective in relieving pain due to its anti-inflammatory property and it prevents infection due to its healing property. You may decide to chew the leaves or use the juice as a mouthwash. It has no side effects.
It is an organic antiseptic or antibacterial agent that helps to reduce toothaches. Cut the onion into appropriate sizes and place them in the affected area for as long as you want it to be. Some people, however, prefer chewing the onion, letting the juices work on the aching gum.
Ginger as a powerful antiseptic helps reduce bacteria and prevent further infection of the affected tooth. You can chew it around the affected area or add to your meals. Cayenne contains an active ingredient known as capsaicin which prevents pain messages from reaching the brain and helps to reduce swelling due to inflammation as it is a good anti-inflammatory agent.
Mix equal quantity of ginger and cayenne with adequate water to make a ginger-cayenne paste. Take a cotton ball and use to apply the paste on the affected tooth avoiding gums and the tongue. Leave it there until the pain stops.
Due to its hemostatic and soothing effect, cucumber lessens the flow of blood to the affected tooth, thereby reducing the pain. Slice a fresh piece of cucumber and place over the affected area. You can also mash it up with a little sea salt and place on the tooth. If the cucumber is in the fridge and you have a sensitive tooth, bring it out and leave it till it is at room temperature.
Essential oils such as the lavender oil, the eucalyptus oil, and the cinnamon oil, amongst others are effective in dealing with toothaches.
The lavender oil due to its antimicrobial effects is used to prevent the spread of infection. Place a few drops of lavender oil into a teaspoon of coconut oil and apply to the gum.
The cinnamon oil also possesses the ability to remove microbes from the mouth. Place a few drops of cinnamon oil in a cup of water and use as a mouthwash.
Baking soda has the ability to cause numbness in the affected tooth or gum and to get rid of sores. This method is especially effective for pregnant women. Add a teaspoon in water and use as a mouthwash.
Neem, also known as the Indian lilac is a natural antibacterial agent that prevents cavities by killing the bacteria that causes it. Chewing the sticks aidin relieving toothaches and it helps in preventing the buildup of plaque in the mouth.
Turmeric contains as its active ingredient, curcumin which due to its antiseptic, antibacterial and analgesic properties, help against tooth pain. It is effective against abscesses and it is used for gum and tooth infections.
Take a teaspoon of turmeric and add in a small quantity of water to make a paste. Using a cotton ball, apply the paste on the affected tooth. You can decide to add a little honey to this paste.
It is important that you sleep with your head at an elevated position. This is because the blood supply to your head changes when your head is on the same level as your heart, causing swelling and making the pain worse. Use a pillow to elevate the position of your head when you want to sleep.
If you have a terrible toothache and you don’t have access to an emergency care, head down to your nearest pharmacist and get an anti carvity mouth wash with high fluoride content.
Use is religiously every 2 hours. The burning sensation you will feel when using an high fluoride mouthwash will help kill all infection causing bacteria from your mouth.
This will help promote healing.
How To Prevent Reoccurring Tooth Infection
This section is very important for sufferers of reoccurring tooth infection. If you noticed you are battling toothache on a frequent basis, you have got to improve your oral health.
- Make sure you brush your teeth in the morning and before bed time.
- Stay away from sweets: sweet harbour bacteria so don’t allow such to happen to you anymore.
- Use high fluoride? anti cavity mouth wash every morning and night after brushing.
As stressed earlier, you should remember that these remedies only proffer a temporary and immediate relief from a toothache and are best done before an appointment with a dentist to reduce the pain. If after trying these remedies, you have trouble breathing or swallowing, the pain lasts for two days or more, or you have red gums, quickly book an appointment with your dentist to get immediate treatment. Brush after each meal with a suitable toothpaste and floss regularly, drink a lot of water and try to stay away from hard food so that the pain doesn?t increase.