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How To Remove / Get Rid Of Freckles On Face & Nose Naturally.. Home Remedies For Freckles Removal On Face & Nose

Home Remedies

How To Remove / Get Rid Of Freckles On Face & Nose Naturally.. Home Remedies For Freckles Removal On Face & Nose

how to remove freckles face nose permanently


Although freckles pose no serious health risk, people with freckles can find it defacing. And while many factors contribute to freckles such as over exposure to sunlight and genetics, the problem can be treated.

What are freckles?

A freckle is a small, flat, brownish spot on the skin. Freckles consist of skin cells replete with melanin. Although freckles can occur on any part of the skin including the arms and shoulders, it is more common to find them on the face, especially on the nose.

Types of freckles

There are two major types of freckles:

  1. Lentigines: These are the common type of freckles. Lentigines are usually small brown-to-black spots.
  2. Ephelides: Ephelides are different from lentigines in that they are lighter in color and tend to disappear during winter.

Symptoms of freckles

As already stated, freckles are characterized by small, colored spots on the skin.

Causes of freckles

Basically, freckles arise due to an over production of melanin ? a pigment that protects the skin from UV rays of the sun. When melanin production is abnormal, they (melanin) tend to form clusters which are what we see as freckles.

That said, freckles can be as a result of various causes. Prominent among the many causes of freckles is genetics. People who have freckles are more likely to give birth to children with freckles than those who do not. Also, it is believed that fair-skinned people have a higher risk of developing freckles than people with dark skin. Other factors that can contribute to freckles are hormonal imbalance, long-term exposure to sunlight, skin disorders such as xeroderma, and so on.

Home remedies for freckles removal

Following are some home remedies for freckles:

  1. Lemon juice: Lemon contains many acids, chief of which is citric acid. Besides its many capabilities, citric acid also has bleaching properties. Massaging the freckles with lemon juice is a quick and natural way to get rid of the spots. You can also mix the lemon juice with yogurt and apply on the freckles.
  2. Sour cream: Sour cream is effective in treating freckles. Applying the cream on the face or affected areas and leaving for a while before wiping off is a natural way of removing freckles from the skin.
  3. Shea butter: Shea butter has a hydrating effect on the skin as well as promotes healing. This property combination is a natural remedy for skin blemishes like scars and freckles. For this method, get some shea butter and rub between the finger tips so that it becomes warm. Then, apply the shea butter on the freckles before going to bed at night and wash off in the morning. This should be repeated every day.
  4. Aloe vera: Aloe vera gel can also be used for treating freckles on the skin. This is because aloe vera contains aloesin, which works by suppressing the production of melanin in the skin. It is no wonder Aloe vera is used in the treatment of various skin blemishes like dark spots and pimples. All you need to do is to massage the affected area with fresh aloe vera gel and allow to sit for about 10 minutes before rinsing off.
  5. Amla: Pour two teaspoons of amla powder in water to form a paste and apply on the freckled skin. After about 10 minutes, wash off with warm water. You can try this method twice each week.
  6. Honey: Honey helps in treating freckles in different ways. First, honey has natural bleaching capabilities which can lighten the tanned spots. Also, honey can help to control the production of melanin in the skin, which can lead to freckles if left unchecked. You can use honey for this purpose by mixing it with water in equal parts and applying on the freckles. Alternatively, you can mix honey with yogurt to form a paste. Rub the paste on the freckles and leave for 30 minutes before washing off.
  7. Horseradish: Horseradish juice can also be applied on freckles to make them disappear. The juice helps to lighten dark spots on the skin.
  8. Parsley juice: Parsley contains a significant amount of vitamin C, which is essential to skin health. Apart from the vitamin C content of parsley, other minerals like manganese and calcium also play a role in maintaining skin health. Then, when you add the fact that parsley has bleaching properties, it only gets better. Mixing parsley juice with an equal amount of lemon juice and applying on the freckled regions should help to reduce the freckles. Make sure to allow the mixture stay for about 10 minutes on the affected areas before washing with warm water.
  9. Banana peel: The peel of the banana fruit contains gluconolactone, which helps in conditioning the skin. Rubbing banana peel on freckles helps by tightening skin pores and lightening the blemishes.
  10. Cocoa butter: Cocoa butter is gotten from cocoa beans and is used in many skin care products. Cocoa butter helps to keep the skin soft and smooth. Applying cocoa butter on freckled skin before bedtime will help to get rid of the blemish. Before applying cocoa butter to the skin, ensure that the skin is clean and dry.
  11. Baking soda: The exfoliating property of baking soda is what makes this common kitchen ingredient important for treating freckles. Apply a mixture of baking soda (a pinch) and castor oil (a few drops) on the freckles and leave for thirty minutes to get rid of freckles.
  12. Castor oil: Castor oil has a soothing effect on the skin, which helps to keep the skin supple. Apart from this, castor oil has also been used as a lightening agent for the skin and can be used to reduce freckles. Just drip a few drops of the oil on the freckles before going to sleep and leave until morning.
  13. Onions: Onion contains sulfur, which is beneficial to the skin. It is recommended that red onions are used in lieu of white onions for treating freckles. Get a medium size red onion and cut into slices. Gently rub the slices on the freckles and leave for some time before washing off. This should be done at least twice each day until the freckles begin to fade away. Another method is by mixing onion juice with apple cider vinegar and applying on the affected skin.
  14. Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar mixed with honey is a natural remedy for various skin blemishes, including freckles. You can either apply the mixture on the affected areas or apply on the entire face.
  15. Almond oil: Almond oil is helpful in freckle treatment due to its bleaching action on the skin. The presence of vitamins A and E in almond oil also plays a part in treating freckles as they aid in countering the effects of oxidative stress in the body. Rub the oil on the freckles and leave for about 30 minutes before washing off.
  16. Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil can also be used in treating freckles. This oil is used in the treatment of other skin conditions like acne. Simply massage the affected area with castor oil and leave for a while before rinsing. Doing this twice daily will help to get rid of the freckles quickly.
  17. Tomato juice: Tomato is rich in vitamin C, which is important for skin health. Tomato juice helps to reduce the production of melanin in the skin, thus, preventing the occurrence of freckles on the skin. Tomato juice treatment for freckles is a simple, but yet effective remedy. Use a blender or juicer to juice a small tomato so as to make a puree. Apply the puree on the affected skin and leave for about 15 minutes. Like always, wash the skin with cool water.
  18. Turmeric: Turmeric helps in treating freckles by evening skin tone. You can make this remedy by mixing turmeric with water to form a paste. Apply the paste on the affected areas and leave for 15 minutes, then, wash with warm water.
  19. Buttermilk: Butter milk can also be used for treating freckles. The acid content of buttermilk helps in promoting exfoliation, which is beneficial to skin health. In addition, buttermilk helps the skin to become smoother and more youthful. You can use buttermilk as a home remedy for freckles in two ways. For one, you can apply the buttermilk to the freckles using a cotton ball and leave for about 10 minutes before washing off. Alternatively, you can mix about two tablespoons of ground oatmeal to buttermilk and apply the mixture to the face.
  20. Papaya: Papaya contains many active compounds such as papain, which aids in skin regeneration. To use papaya for freckles-control, apply ripe papaya juice on the freckles and leave for 10 minutes. Use cool water to wash off, and repeat once every day. The peel of the papaya fruit can also be used: rub the inner part of the peel on the freckles and leave to dry for about 15 minutes before washing off with cool water.
  21. Yogurt: Like milk, yogurt contains lactic acid, which promotes exfoliation. Furthermore, yogurt is beneficial to freckled skin as it helps to brighten the skin as well as in tightening skin pores. Pour a teaspoon of lemon juice into a quarter-filled cup of yogurt. Apply the mixture on the freckles and leave for about 15 minutes, then, wash off with warm water.

Freckles can affect anyone. And although there are various methods of getting rid of freckles such as the use of laser and chemical peels, you can actually treat your freckles at home using any of the aforementioned methods in this article.


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