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How To Treat Insect, Bug & Mosquito Bites Naturally At Home

Home Remedies

How To Treat Insect, Bug & Mosquito Bites Naturally At Home

how to treat insect bug mosquito bites naturally

How To Treat Insect, Bug & Mosquito Bites Naturally At Home

Unless you are living in a completely sealed house located either in the sky or in the sea, then will you be free from the pestering of insects and bugs. Although you may find these creatures irritating and annoying, the fact remains that they are essential to the stability of our ecosystem.

Especially during summer, itching and swelling from insect or bug bites can be frustrating. This has led many people to try many methods in order to alleviate these symptoms.

While we may not be able to completely eradicate these unfriendly biting organisms that are insects, there is so much that can be done alternatively.

In this article, we shall take a look at some natural means of treating insect and bug bites at home. So without further ado, let us get to know these natural remedies.

  1. Lemon: First on our list is lemon. Lemon belongs to the citrus family of fruits that also includes orange and lime. As a result, lemon has antibacterial and anti-bacterial properties that are needed in treating insect and bug bites. To get rid of insect or bug bites using lemon, simply cut a lemon fruit into two halves and rub the inside of one half over the bitten skin. Alternatively, you can also apply lemon juice on the affected skin.
  2. Chamomile tea: Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties that should come in handy in the treatment of insect and bug bites. Chamomile also possesses anti-irritation effects as well as help in stimulating wound-healing. This method involves steeping chamomile tea bag in water and refrigerating for half an hour. Afterward, apply the tea bag on the bite for about 10 minutes.
  3. Cinnamon: Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which can help in the treatment of insect bites. Simply get some cinnamon spice and mix with a small amount of water to get a paste. Thereafter, rub the paste over the bitten skin and leave for about one hour.
  4. Ice pack: Apply ice to insect bite helps to soothe any painful sensation or itching by numbing the nerves in that region. In addition, applying an ice pack to a bite also helps to reduce any swelling. The method is simple: get an ice pack and place on the affected area, leaving for about 10 to 20 minutes before removing. It is important to mention, however, that you need to put a washcloth or any other material between the ice pack and the skin to prevent damage to the skin.
  5. Papaya: Papaya, or pawpaw, is known to contain several powerful chemical compounds, such as papain, its main enzyme. Papain has the potential of counteracting insect venom, according to reports. Furthermore, papain?s anti-inflammatory property can also be useful here.Therefore, whenever you are bitten by an insect or bug, simply get a slice of pawpaw and place on the bite for about one hour.
  6. Aloe vera: It is highly unlikely that you mention herbs for treating skin conditions without including aloe vera. Beyond its use as an ornamental plant, this herb has been used for years in curing various ailments. For this method, get an aloe vera stem and cut open to scoop/extract the gel. Apply the gel to the irritating skin and leave to dry. Continue applying the gel until the bite vanishes.
  7. Baking soda: Baking soda, or Sodium bicarbonate, is a common kitchen ingredient used in baking. Besides its use as baking powder, it is also used for non-culinary purposes such as in cleaning. Apart from these, baking soda is also used for treating conditions like constipation, and in this case, insect bite. For the treating of insect and bug bites, mix the powder with water in equal amounts to form a paste. Afterward, apply the paste to the affected area and leave for about 10 minutes before rinsing off.
  8. Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, which are all useful in treating insect/bug bites. To cure mosquito bites using apple cider vinegar, dip a ball of cotton in the liquid and rub on the bite. If the bites are so much that they are scattered all over the body, then, it is recommended that you add about three cups of ACV to a bath and soak in it.
  9. Honey: Honey is a common remedy for various health problems. It is used for the purpose of treating insect bites due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which help to reduce swelling and itching respectively. Simply apply a drop of honey on the itchy area and leave for some time.
  10. Onion: Apart from the many benefits of onion is its ability to cure insect bite. The juice extract of onion when applied to itchy skin can help to stop the itching. Moreover, onion is said to possess antifungal properties that can help in preventing fungal infection.
  11. Toothpaste: Toothpaste is used for this purpose due to its soothing effect on the skin. The presence of ingredients such as menthol in toothpaste is responsible for this effect. Thus, rubbing some toothpaste over insect bites can help to relieve itching.
  12. Alcohol: Alcohol has an antiseptic effect on infections. Rubbing alcohol on the affected skin is another simple and yet effective method of treating insect bites. Even more, alcohol?s astringent property will help to reduce itching.
  13. Basil: Mosquito bite can be treated using basil leaves. This is because, according to studies, basil contains eugenol, which has anti-irritation potentials. To get rid of mosquito bites using basil, get some dried basil leaves (about a handful) and boil in 2 cups of water. Allow the mixture to cool, and then, using a washcloth apply the mixture to the bites. Another method is to chew (but not swallow) fresh basil leaves, and then rub on the bitten skin.
  14. Pineapple: Pineapple can be used for treating mosquito bites due to the presence of bromelain. Bromelain, like papain in papaya, is said to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce swelling.
  15. Peppermint: Peppermint essential oil or peppermint leaves can bring relief to itchy skin. This is because of the emollient effect of peppermint on the skin. You can try this simple method by rubbing the essential oil over the bite or by placing some crushed peppermint leaves on the affected area.
  16. Oatmeal: Oatmeal is said to have anti-irritation properties that can be beneficial in treating insect bites, especially those from mosquitoes. To use oatmeal for this purpose, add a cup of oatmeal to a warm-water-filled bathtub and soak yourself for about 20 to 30 minutes. Alternatively, you can mix oatmeal with water (in equal measures) to form a paste, and then using a washcloth apply the paste onto the affected area. Leave the washcloth on the skin for about 10 minutes before washing off.
  17. Thyme: The antifungal and antibacterial properties of thyme can help in treating insect and bug bites. You can prepare a thyme solution for insect bites by adding thyme twigs to boiled water and allowing to steep. Afterward, use a washcloth to apply the mixture to the bites. For best results, it is advised that you chop the thyme leaves into fine pieces and apply directly to the bitten skin. Leave the leaves on for about 10 minutes before washing.
  18. Lavender essential oil: Itchy skin due to insect bite can be treated using lavender essential oil. It is as simple as dripping a few drops of the oil on the affected area and leaving until it dries.
  19. Dry soap: To temporarily stop itching due to an insect bite, you can rub a bar of dry soap on the bite. Then wash away the soap when the itching subsides.
  20. Garlic: Like most other herbs on this list, garlic is beneficial in treating insect bites due to its anti-inflammatory properties. In the event of an insect bite, it is advised that you get a clove of garlic, cut and place on the bite and leave for a few minutes before washing off. Also, aside from the use of garlic as a remedy for insect bites, it can also be used for preventing them. All you have to do to benefit from the preventative magic of garlic is to include it in your meal.
  21. Tea tree oil: Simply applying a drop of tea tree oil to insect bite several times each day will help to reduce swelling. Other oils that can be used besides tea tree oil include rosemary oil, and cedar oil.
  22. Sugar: You can also use sugar to relieve itching due to insect bite. This simple method can be done by first dipping your finger in warm water, and then dabbing the wet finger in sugar before rubbing the bite with the sugar.
  23. Salt: Another way of reducing skin irritation due to insect bite is by applying salt paste on the bite. Salt paste is made by simply mixing smooth salt with a little amount of water.
  24. Witch hazel: Witch hazel, or wych hazel, is an herbal plant that has astringent properties. This is attributed to the presence of chemical compounds, called tannins, in the plant. As a result, witch hazel is used as an ingredient in cosmetic and skin care products. Irritation and swelling of the skin due to insect or bug bites can be treated by apply witch hazel lotion to the affected area.

Nature always try to balance things; just as we have pesky insects that live us with itching skins, we also have remedies provided us by nature. The above-mentioned remedies are some of a large pool of treatment methods for insect and bug bites.

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