Low Blood Pressure, Hypotension Natural Cure & Home Remedies: How To Raise Blood Pressure When It Is Low
- Effective Ways To Raise Your Blood Pressure When It is Too Low
When it comes to health problems about blood pressure, what readily comes to the mind of most people is hypertension or high blood pressure. Very few persons ever talk about the other side of the coin, low blood pressure.
Most people with low blood pressure may not even be aware of the condition as it may not come with serious symptoms. And when it does come with symptoms, they may be common symptoms associated with other health conditions. Regardless, it is important that people experiencing recurring symptoms do not take them lightly and seek medical help.
That said, low blood pressure can be a sign of an underlying health condition, and may require proper treatment to prevent health complications. The method of treating low blood pressure will usually depend on the cause and type of the condition.
In this article, we shall focus our beam on natural methods of treating low blood pressure, also known as hypotension.
What is low blood pressure?
Low blood pressure, or hypotension, is a medical condition that is characterized of abnormally low blood pressure. In contrast to hypertension, hypotension occurs when a person?s blood pressure is at 90/60 mm Hg or below. For perspective, normal blood pressure is around 120/80 mm Hg and high blood pressure is from 139/89 mm Hg.
Although low blood pressure can be good in most situations, it is unhealthy when it happens abruptly or it becomes recurrent with adverse symptoms.
Types of hypotension
It is important to state that hypotension is classified into different categories based on the time when the blood pressure drops. Based on this classification, we have four types of hypotension, namely:
- Orthostatic hypotension: this type of hypotension occurs when someone changes position from sitting or lying down to standing.
- Postprandial hypotension: When your blood pressure drops immediately after eating, it is called postprandial hypotension ? prandial means meal-related.
- Neurally mediated hypotension: If you get hypotension after standing for a long period of time, then what you have is called neurally mediated hypotension. This type of hypotension is common among children than adults.
- Severe hypotension: This is a more severe case of hypotension that occurs due to shock.
Causes of low blood pressure
Like hypertension, the exact cause of low blood pressure is not particularly known. Certain factors can contribute to the condition. The following are factors that can lead to low blood pressure:
- Heart failure
- Pregnancy
- Liver disease
- Low body temperature or hypothermia
- High body temperature or hyperthermia
- Acute dehydration
- Anaphylaxis
- Cardiac arrhythmia
- Loss of blood
- Alcoholism
- Blood infection
- Prescription medicines and some over-the-counter drugs
- Endocrine disorder
- Age
Signs and symptoms of low blood pressure
While low blood pressure will not always come with symptoms, you should visit your doctor when you notice any of the following:
- Blurred vision
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Confusion
- Fainting
- Nausea
- Loss of consciousness
Natural remedies for low blood pressure: Herbs & Essential Oils To Treat Low Blood Pressure At Home
Conventional treatment methods for hypotension usually involve the use of medication to constrict the blood vessels in a bid to increase the blood pressure. However, most cases of low blood pressure rarely require any medication and can be controlled with natural remedies.
Following are some natural remedies for hypotension:
- Take more salt
While too much intake of salt is detrimental to the health of hypertensive people, the opposite is the case for people with low blood pressure. The sodium content of table salt is responsible for the blood pressure-raising effect. Simply mix a half teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and drink when you notice an abrupt drop in blood pressure. Note, however, that salt intake should be done in moderation as excess salt consumption is never good for anyone.
- Drink plenty water
Severe dehydration can cause hypotension. Rehydrating the body by drinking lots of water during the day will help to prevent this problem as well as in correcting it. Furthermore, drinking enough water about 15 minutes before eating can reduce the risk of developing postprandial hypotension.
- Rosemary oil
Rosemary helps to increase blood pressure by stimulating blood circulation. To use rosemary oil, pour a few drops of the oil in a carrier oil like olive oil and massage the body with the mixture. You can also soak yourself in a bath with a few drops of rosemary oil added.
- Licorice
Licorice root extract is another beneficial home remedy for low blood pressure. You can prepare and drink licorice tea if you have low blood pressure.
- Holy basil and honey
Basil leaf extract mixed with honey is another natural remedy for low blood pressure. The presence of vitamins and minerals like magnesium and potassium in basil makes it useful in raising blood pressure. Drinking basil and honey mixture every morning is a simple way of treating the condition.
- Coffee
Drinking caffeinated coffee will help to raise your blood pressure. This is because caffeine has the ability to temporarily increase the blood pressure. Drink two cups of coffee each day if you have hypotension to correct the condition.
- Eat smaller meals
Eating larger meals increases the chances of getting postprandial hypotension. This is because the body requires blood for digestion and the rate of blood pumping from the heart does not usually meet this demand. Thus, it is better to break your meals and eat smaller portions more frequently instead of eating larger infrequent meals.
- Green tea
Like coffee, green tea is also a good source of caffeine. Drinking a minimum of two cups of green tea daily can help to increase blood pressure.
- Rest
Resting can also help to raise blood pressure. This is due to the fact that there is a general tendency for blood pressure to drop after an hour of eating. So, relaxing, instead of moving about, can help to prevent postprandial hypotension.
- Beetroot juice
A cup of raw beetroot juice taken two times daily has been proven to be an effective home remedy for hypotension.
- Eat more folate-rich foods
Foods rich in folate include asparagus, broccoli, and spinach. Eating more of these foods will help to improve blood flow and in raising the blood pressure in hypotensive people.
- Exercise
Physical activity can help to improve blood circulation and raise blood pressure. Simple exercises like stretching in bed, bending at the waist, or raising the toes can help to contract the muscles and elevate blood pressure.
- Avoid standing for long periods
neurally mediated hypotension is caused by long periods of standing. To prevent this, it is advised that you avoid standing for prolonged periods as much as possible.
- Avoid diuretics
Diuretics are substances that stimulate the flow of urine in the body, thereby, causing dehydration. People with low blood pressure need to avoid foods or drugs that make them urinate more often so as to avoid dehydration.
- Wear compression stockings
Compression stockings are normally used for treating varicose veins, but they can also be used for hypotension. Wearing compression stockings is an effective home remedy for hypotension. This is due to the fact that such stockings exert pressure on the legs and feet, which, in turn, helps to improve blood circulation and blood pressure. It is imperative, however, to consult with your doctor before wearing compression stockings.
- Avoid hot showers
Hot showers or baths can cause vasodilation, which is bad for low blood pressure. Instead you should have warm showers and ensure that your time in the bath is brief.
- Ephedra
Ephedra is a desert shrub that is used in Traditional Chinese medicine for treating respiration conditions like asthma and for increasing blood pressure. Although supplements containing ephedrine ? an alkaloid extracted from the herb ? are banned in the United States, they can be found in traditional Chinese medicines. A word of caution though, ephedra can be dangerous to the heart if taken immoderately.
- Almond milk
Almond milk contains no saturated fat or cholesterol, and hence, is a healthy choice for hypotensive people. To use almond milk, steep 6 almonds overnight and crush them into a paste after peeling in the morning. Boil the paste and drink after it becomes cool.
- Ginseng tea
Low doses of ginseng can help to increase blood pressure in hypotensive people. You can prepare ginseng tea by adding a teaspoon of ginseng to a cup of boiled water. Add some honey to flavor and drink. Repeat this process two more times each day for best results.
- Vitamin B12 Supplement
A deficiency in vitamin B12 is a common cause of anemia, which has been linked to hypotension. Supplementing for this deficiency can help to raise blood pressure. Along with vitamin B12, vitamins C, D, and E also play a role in regulating blood pressure and should be taken. Foods such as milk, fish, and spinach contain these vitamins in significant amounts. You can also get supplements after duly consulting with a doctor.
- Limit alcohol intake
Alcohol can both increase and lower the blood pressure. People with hypotension are advised to limit their intake of alcohol or avoid it completely.
Most cases of hypotension can be treated without medication. Simple actions such as a change in lifestyle habit and dieting can bring a solution to your low blood pressure. However, while most of the natural remedies listed herein have been proven to be effective in raising blood pressure, you should visit your doctor when there are no improvements.
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