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Pneumonia Cure: Herbs, Spices And Essential Oils For Treating Walking Pneumonia At Home


Pneumonia Cure: Herbs, Spices And Essential Oils For Treating Walking Pneumonia At Home

herbs treat pneumonia home

  • Natural Treatment, Home Remedies For Pneumonia In Adults And Children
  • Pneumonia Treatment At Home: Medicinal Herbs, Spices And Essential Oils For Treating Walking Pneumonia At Home

Pneumonia affects many people, with more than 4 million people dying every year and about 50,000 of those deaths coming from the U.S. Along with influenza, this respiratory disease is regarded as the eight leading cause of death in the United States.

While the disease can affect anyone regardless of age, it is most common among older people, and sometimes also common in young children. Even worse, it is reported that pneumonia is the major cause of infection-related deaths of children below 5 years of age globally.

In most cases, pneumonia can be treated at home by using antibiotics and pain-relieving medications. However, severe cases of pneumonia may need professional medical care in a hospital which usually involves the use intravenous administration of drugs and oxygen therapy.

What is pneumonia?

Pneumonia is a respiratory disorder that is marked by the inflammation of the alveoli (air sacs) in one or both of the lungs. This inflammation of the air sacs is usually as a result of bacterial, fungal, or a virus infection. When a person has pneumonia, the air sacs in either lung may be filled with fluid or pus, making it difficult for the person to breathe properly.

Types of pneumonia

There are different ways of categorizing pneumonia, such as based on the location where it was contracted, based on the way it was contracted, the type of pathogen responsible for the disease, or based on the way that the infected cells spread in the lungs.

Most healthcare professionals classify pneumonia based on the location it was acquired. Based on this method, the pneumonia can either be HAP (hospital-acquired pneumonia) if it was contracted in a hospital, or CAP (community-acquired pneumonia) if it was acquired outside a hospital.

Based on how the pneumonia was contracted, we have aspiration pneumonia, which is caused by inhalation of pneumonia-causing bacteria from foods or drinks. Another category based on this criterion is ventilator-associated pneumonia, which can happen to persons on ventilator support.

Causes of pneumonia

We have already mentioned that pneumonia is basically caused by an infection ? bacterial, fungal, or virus infection. A person can also develop pneumonia if he/she inhales air containing pneumonia-causing agents.

That said, the most common bacterium that causes pneumonia is streptococcus pneumonia, while the usual viral culprits are influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (particularly in adults). Fungal causes of pneumonia include, but are not limited to Histoplasma, Coccidioides, and Pneumocystis jirovecii.

Risk factors for pneumonia

Although anybody can be get pneumonia, certain factors may increase a person?s predisposition to the disease. Some of these risk factors are:

  • Age: Children younger than 3 years and adults over 65 years of age are more likely to get pneumonia.
  • Weak immunity: A person whose immune system has been compromised due to a disease like sickle cell anemia or HIV/AIDS has a higher chance of contracting pneumonia than someone with a healthy immune system.
  • Chronic respiratory conditions like asthma or bronchitis.
  • Smoking: Cigarette smoking can also increase a person?s risk of getting pneumonia
  • Being an in-patient in a hospital, especially if the person is breathing using a ventilator

Other risk factors like malnutrition, excessive alcohol intake, and coughing problems

Symptoms of pneumonia

People suffering from pneumonia may exhibit any of the following symptoms:

  • Coughing (with phlegm)
  • Fatigue
  • Chest pain
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dehydration
  • Nausea or loss of appetite
  • Hypothermia or abnormally low body temperature in infants.

Natural Treatment For Pneumonia: Herbs, Spices, Plants & Essential Oils For Treating Walking Pneumonia At Home

Here are some natural home remedies for pneumonia:

  • Be hydrated

Fever can cause dehydration; thus, drinking water or iced beverages can help to make up for the lost electrolytes and liquids in the body.

  • Gargle

Simply gargling with water or salt water can help to clear the throat of mucus. You can repeat the process two more times every day to get the best results.

  • Honey

Honey can help in relieving pneumonia symptoms like coughing and fever due to its antioxidant properties. Adding a teaspoon of honey to a quarter-filled glass of water and drinking will go a long way in treating some symptoms of pneumonia.

  • Ginger

Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. However, the antibacterial effect of this common kitchen ingredient may also help in curing pneumonia. All you need to do is to add ginger to a cup of hot water, leave for about 10 minutes, strain and then drink.

  • Holy basil

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of holy basil can be helpful in the treatment of pneumonia. Simply get some holy basil leaves and begin to chew them. Do this twice or three times daily until the symptoms of the disease subside.

  • Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds can also be used as a natural remedy for pneumonia. The seeds have phytoestrogens, which have antimicrobial properties and are helpful in pneumonia treatment. Aside from this, the seeds also help in clearing out phlegm from the lungs. To make use of sesame seeds as a remedy for pneumonia, add some sesame seeds to a cup of water and boil. After about 5 minutes, strain the liquid and add salt, then drink.

  • Garlic

Garlic is considered as one of the most effective natural herbs for curing pneumonia. Garlic contains allicin, which are chemical compounds that possess antibacterial and antifungal properties. Moreover, chewing garlic can help to soften and get rid of phlegm from the lungs. So, if you have pneumonia, or you know someone that is down with the disease, adding garlic to your diet will be highly beneficial.

  • Turmeric

The main ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which is the source of the spice?s various medicinal properties. Curcumin has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial in treating pneumonia symptoms. Drinking a mixture of turmeric powder and hot milk daily can help to reduce phlegm in the lungs and throat, as well as in reducing the inflamed alveoli.

  • Willow bark

The bark of the willow tree is loaded with powerful antioxidants such as polyphenols and flavonoids. These chemical compounds have antiseptic properties that are beneficial in the treatment of pneumonia. For this remedy, get some willow barks and steep in a cup of hot water. Filter the solution and drink before it gets cold.

  • Steam inhalation

Steam inhalation is a simple home remedy for pneumonia. You can do this by bending your head over a bowl of hot water and covering yourself with a towel. Pneumonia symptoms like coughing and congestion can be reduced by inhaling hot steam. Steam can also help in fighting off pathogenic organisms in the respiratory tract.

  • Probiotics

Probiotics help to maintain the intestinal flora, which is important for overall health. You can get probiotics by eating foods such as yogurt and kefir. For best results, take probiotic-rich foods before going to bed or on an empty stomach. Also, make sure that you do not take coffee after taking probiotics.

  • Colloidal Silver Solution

For inhibiting the activities of bad bacteria in the body, you should take colloidal silver. This solution also helps to maintain the bacterial flora in the body, like probiotics.

  • Tea tree oil

Essential oils such as peppermint oil and tea tree oil can also be used in treating pneumonia. These essential oils are extracted from their parent plants, which are storehouses of powerful chemical compounds. To use tea tree oil or any other essential oil to treat pneumonia, add a few drops of the essential oil to a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam.

  • Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a storehouse of different medicinal properties. For one, the anti-inflammatory properties of vinegar can help to relieve inflammation due to pneumonia. Another beneficial property is seen in the ability of the liquid to help in combating microbes in the body. For the purpose of treating pneumonia, dilute a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in half a glass of warm water and mix with a teaspoon of honey to consume.

  • Vegetable juice

Mixing the juice extracts from vegetables like carrots, spinach, and cucumber and consuming can help to boost the body?s immunity. Drinking vegetable juice also helps to combat germs that may cause pneumonia in the body. Even more, you should take such juices in order to quicken your recovery.

  • Fenugreek seeds

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of fenugreek seeds will help to reduce the inflammation of the alveoli and also help in reducing other symptoms of pneumonia. To make this remedy, soak some fenugreek seeds in hot water for about 10 minutes and strain afterward. Add a little honey and drink as tea when cool.

  • Dandelion

The root of the dandelion plant is known for its medicinal properties. They are applicable in the treatment of pneumonia due to their antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help in combating pneumonia-causing bacteria and virus and also in relieving inflammation.

How To Use Dandelion Roots Extract To Treat Pneumonia At Home

For this method, add some dandelion roots to a cup of boiled water and allow to steep for about 10 minutes. Afterward, strain and consume the liquid. You can add a little honey to taste.

  • Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding infants will help to not only treat pneumonia, but also to prevent it. Exclusive breastfeeding during the first year of a child?s life, with adequate nutrition during the following years have been shown to be of great benefit in protecting children from various ailments.

  • Parsnip juice

Parsnip contains essential minerals and vitamins like vitamin C that help in keeping the body protected from disease. Drinking half a cup of parsnip juice each day will help to stop the symptoms of pneumonia.

  • Apples

The rich fiber content of apples can help in curing pneumonia. Apart from this, apple contains active chemical compounds such as flavonoids that are anti-inflammatory in nature. Further, the vitamin C content in apple also helps to boost the immune system, strengthening the body in combating infection.

How To Make Onion And Honey Cough Syrup For Pneumonia Treatment

You can make a cough syrup for pneumonia by cooking a mixture of white onions and raw honey for about 2 hours, and subsequently straining.

Most of the natural remedies listed in this article have been proven to be effective in the treatment of pneumonia. However, if after 4 days of treatment without any improvements, you need to see a doctor immediately.

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