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Ginger Tea For Migraines Recipe: How To Prepare Ginger Root Tea For Headache Relief


Ginger Tea For Migraines Recipe: How To Prepare Ginger Root Tea For Headache Relief

ginger tea migraine recipe

Ginger Tea For Migraines Recipe: How To Prepare Ginger Root Tea For Headache Relief

Ginger is an effective herb to tackle stress especially migraines and headaches.

To make a tea of ginger, pour 3 cups of water over 2 tablespoons?of?freshly grated ginger.
Allow it to steep 5 to 10 minutes, then strain through a small sieve into a tea cup.
Sip the tea for headache or migraine relief.

Alternatively, you can use Ginger tea bags but the tea lacks the punch of fresh ginger root tea.

That is why it is recommended you use fresh ginger to make the tea for effective headache relief.

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