Home Remedies
Moles Removal Home Remedies: 21 Natural Ways To Remove Moles From Your Face At Home
- Moles Removal? Herbal Home Remedies
- 21 Ways To Remove Moles From Your Face At Home Naturally
Moles, especially those on the face, can be a source of concern to some persons. The reason for this is not so farfetched: facial moles are blemishes and disfigure a person?s appearance.
While some persons can live with the moles, others are seeking ways of removing their moles.? Although it is advised that people with moles do not remove them by themselves as there are inherent risks involved, there are safe home remedies that can be tried to remove moles.
In this article, we shall consider some home remedies that can be tried to get rid of facial moles. But before we continue, let?s understand some more about moles.
What are moles?
Moles are small pigmented spots on the face or any part of the skin like the arms and neck. These skin growths are usually congenital, i.e. they are present at birth. Moles can also occur after birth due to various reasons.
While moles are usually black in color, they can also appear in red, pink, and brown. They can also be either raised or flat, and may have hair growing in them.
Causes of moles?
Besides congenital moles, there are different factors that contribute to the formation of moles on the skin after birth. Some of the common causes of moles on skin are:
- Overexposure to sunlight
Prolonged exposure to sunlight can be a source of moles formation on the skin.
- Overproduction of sebum
Excessive production of sebum in the skin can be another contributing factor to the occurrence of moles on the skin. This is because excess oil on the skin can clog the pores, leading to moles.
- Overproduction of melanin
When the skin cells produce too much melanin ? the dark pigment responsible for skin color, the risk of developing skin moles increases. An accumulation of melanin on parts of the skin can lead to moles.
Home remedies for facial moles
Although moles are mostly innocuous in nature, they can be aesthetically defacing. In addition, some moles can be cancerous and would require medical attention to get rid of them.
That said, the following are some home remedies for getting rid of moles on the face:
- Banana peel
Compounds such as oxalic acid and ascorbic acid present in the inner part of banana peels are helpful in the removal of moles on the skin. Get a piece of banana peel and place on the moles, using a tape to hold the peel. This method should be done before going to bed, for the best results.
- Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature, and thus, can help in removing moles from the face. Moreover, using apple cider vinegar for removing moles is a common home remedy. You can apply apple cider vinegar on facial moles by soaking a cotton ball and placing it on the moles. Since apple cider vinegar is a potent liquid, it can leave scars on the face; to prevent this, use some petroleum jelly and coconut oil on the skin before and after application respectively.
- Aloe vera
Aloe vera finds usage in the treatment of several skin conditions, including moles. This is due to the fact that Aloe vera contains myriad compounds like tannins and enzymes that can break down built-up pigmentation. Applying aloe vera gel on cleaned moles and covering with bandage or gauze is an effective method of removing moles at home.
- Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is beneficial in the removal of moles due to the oil?s astringent properties. The advantage of using tea tree oil is that it has no side effects, unlike some other remedies. Dip a ball of cotton in tea tree oil and apply on the mole. Doing this twice or thrice each day for some weeks will produce good results.
- Iodine
Unlike vinegar, iodine can help in removing moles without the side effect of scarring. Applying a few drops of iodine on facial moles is a simple way of treating the skin condition. For best results, you can cover the iodized moles with a bandage and leave overnight. This procedure should be done every day for about two weeks.
- Onion juice
Onion extract can help to lighten dark spots including moles on the skin. Using a cotton ball soaked in onion juice, apply the juice on the affected area and leave for about half an hour before rinsing off. You can also use a mixture of onion juice and apple cider vinegar on the moles. Whichever way you choose, repeat the process twice each day for a minimum of two weeks.
- Lemon juice
Lemon juice has natural bleaching properties due to its acid content. Thus, applying lemon juice on moles will help to lighten dark spots on the skin. You can dilute the lemon juice in honey if it is too potent.
- Baking soda and castor oil
Baking soda and castor oil mixture on moles is another effective home remedy. While baking soda deflates the mole, the castor oil plays an important role in promoting the healing of the deflated mole. For this remedy, pour a few drops of castor oil in half a teaspoon of baking soda to form a paste, then, apply the mixture on the moles.
- Flaxseed oil
Applying flaxseed oil on moles will help to loosen the moles so as to make them fall off easily. Try applying some powdered flaxseeds mixed with honey and flaxseed oil on the affected areas and leave for about an hour to get rid of moles.
- Garlic
Garlic is believed to be an effective home remedy for moles. This is because garlic contains compounds that can break down accumulated melanocytes which produces melanin. In addition, garlic has natural bleaching properties that can lighten the dark spots. To use garlic for moles removal, apply some crushed garlic cloves on the moles and leave for about four hours. Make sure to fasten the garlic with a bandage and to disinfect the moles with alcohol before reapplying the garlic. It is also important to state that using garlic on the skin can cause irritation in the skin.
- Honey
Honey helps in getting rid of moles by softening and loosening the moles. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of honey come into play here. Besides, honey has natural healing properties that will help in treating the moles. To use honey for this purpose, apply raw honey on the moles and leave for about one hour. Use a bandage or gauze to cover the honey.
- Potato
Potato has natural bleaching capabilities that can lighten moles on the face. Cut a piece of potato and place on the moles. Leave the potato piece on the moles for about 10 minutes before removing. To hold the potato, use a bandage.
- Grapefruit seed
The extract of grapefruit seed is rich in minerals and compounds, which help in breaking down the pigmentation. For this method, apply some drops of the extract on the moles and cover with a bandage. Another method is by mixing the grapefruit seed extract with avocado oil in the ratio 1:10. This mixture (avocado-grapefruit seed extract) should be left on the moles for about 15 minutes before washing off.
- Coconut oil
Coconut oil helps in mole removal by improving hydration and healing. Apply a few drops of virgin coconut oil on the moles and leave for some time. Repeat the procedure twice daily until you begin to notice improvements.
- Pineapple juice
Fresh pineapple juice is another home remedy for removing moles on the skin. Pineapple contains many powerful compounds such as citric acid that helps in lightening dark skin pigmentation.
- Dandelion root extract
Dandelion root extract is another wonderful home remedy for facial blemishes, including moles. You can either extract the liquid from fresh dandelion roots or grind dried dandelion root to make a paste and apply on the moles. Another effective method is by rubbing the stem of the dandelion plant on the moles and leaving for some time before washing.
- Cumin seeds
Cumin seeds can be quite helpful in treating moles, especially if they are bleeding. To use cumin seeds for mole removal, grind the seeds so as to make a pulp and apply on the moles.
- Coriander leaves
Ground coriander leaves when placed on moles will help to remove the moles. Coriander leaves are acerbic in nature and have an emollient effect on the skin on initial application. Mix the leaves with a few drops of water before grinding so that it makes a paste. This method should be done daily for at least two weeks.
- Sour apple juice
Sour apple juice is highly acidic and will help in the treatment of moles. Soak a cotton swab in sour apple juice and place on the moles. In no time the moles will thin out.
- Oregano oil
Oregano essential oil mixed with castor oil and applying on moles will help to get rid of the moles. Oregano oil contains several compounds that enable it to be helpful in the treatment of skin growths like moles and warts.
- Turmeric
Turmeric is a common kitchen spice that is used in treating various health conditions. So it is no wonder to have it on this list. Although it works in combination with vitamin C, turmeric is helpful in moles removal. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with ground vitamin C and a few drops of honey, then, apply the mixture on the moles to get rid of them.
Most home remedies for facial moles, including the ones listed in this article, have no scientific backing, and may not be effective. Some home remedies may even be dangerous; so it is advised that you consult with a dermatologist before trying any of the above-listed home remedies.
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