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Instant Constipation Relief: How To Cure Chronic And Severe Constipation Fast


Instant Constipation Relief: How To Cure Chronic And Severe Constipation Fast

how to pass a hard stool fast


While acute constipation can be cured instantly via some easy methods, such treatment methods may not be as effective for chronic or severe constipation. The difference between a normal or acute constipation and a chronic one is in their duration. Acute constipation lasts only a matter of minutes or days after treatment. Contrastingly, a person with chronic constipation is one who has been battling with the problem for several weeks after treatment.

Chronic and severe constipation can result in other problems if it is not properly treated. Some of the following health conditions can be the result of untreated constipation:

Fecal impaction. This refers to a condition where stool is stuck in the rectum due to compression.

Anal fissures. Due to constipation, the skin surrounding the anus can begin to tear.

Hemorrhoids or piles.

How to cure constipation fast

To get rid of constipation quickly, there are several methods which can be employed.

  • Probiotic foods and supplements

The intestinal flora ? the balance between good and harmful intestinal bacteria ? can get imbalanced due to such factors as illness or the adverse effect of a medication. This may result in the depletion of probiotics ? the good/beneficial bacteria. Consuming probiotic-rich foods or supplements is a fast way of treating chronic constipation.

  • Drinking castor oil

Oils such as castor oil or olive oil have mild laxative properties which can help to ease constipation. Drinking moderate portions of any of these oils purely or mixing them with water or fruit juice can go a long way to relieve constipation.

  • Over-the-counter laxatives

The use of over-the-counter (OTC) medication for treating constipation should be as a last resort. The use of such drugs should be only when all other methods are abortive. This is because of the risks and side effects of using them for long.

How To Pass A Hard Stool Fast

Constipation is characterized by the difficulty in passing stools, among other things. In order to make it easy to poop when it is hard, the following methods can be employed.

Taking a fiber supplement. The deficiency of fiber is a major cause of constipation, hence, taking fiber supplements is a quick way to make up for this deficiency. Supplements such as methylcellulose and FiberCon can help in easing stool passing.

Drink lots of water. One of the reasons people get constipated is due to dehydration. Slowly drinking lots of water is a fast solution to hard stools.

Taking laxatives. There are many laxatives available in drug stores ranging from stimulant laxatives to osmotic laxatives. Whichever one, they all help to force bowel movements either by contracting the walls of the digestive tract or by allowing the passage of fluids to the colon. Examples include Miralax, Dulcolax, and Kristaclose.

Use stool softeners. Stool softeners like docusate calcium or docusate sodium help to draw water to the stool for easy passage.

Exercise. Physical activities help to promote bowel movements. Simply walking or jumping can help the hard stool become soft.

Massage. Rubbing down on the lower part of the abdomen can help to stimulate bowel movement, especially in kids. This should be done with care in order not to cause harm to the intestine.

You can also try an enema. An enema is a liquid medication that is injected into the anus to stimulate pooping.

How to get rid of severe constipation

Eat more fiber-rich foods. Fresh fruits, leafy vegetables, legumes, and whole grains are good sources of fiber. Consuming fiber-rich foods is a good treatment for severe constipation.

Drinking enough liquids. Drinking adequate amounts of water and other healthy liquids help to keep the body hydrated thereby promoting proper bowel movements.

Other methods that have been previously listed can also be used for treating severe or chronic constipation. However, when the condition persists after trying all methods, you need to visit your physician.

Baking soda for constipation

Baking soda is a common product in almost every household kitchen. Beyond its primary use as an ingredient for baking, it finds usage in other things like cleaning and for treating indigestion. Although there is no reliable scientific data to back the use of baking soda as a relief for constipation, it still remains a very common home remedy.

How does baking soda relieve constipation?

For those who have used baking soda in treating constipation, they use it in several ways.

Soaking in a baking soda bath. It is claimed that soaking in a bath with baking soda can help in relieving the symptoms of constipation. This claim suggests that the solution relaxes the anal sphincter as well as the rectum to stimulate a proper bowel movement.

To treat constipation by soaking in a baking soda bath, add a cup of baking soda to a bath with warm water and soak in it for about 30 minutes.

Drinking baking soda solution. Another method of using baking soda in the treatment of constipation is by consuming it. The idea behind this is that baking soda ? an antacid ? helps to draw water into the alimentary canal which is helpful for a bowel movement. Moreover, when baking soda gets into the stomach, it mixes with the stomach acid and the reaction causes a belch which some persons claim gives relief.

To make baking soda solution, add one teaspoon of baking soda to a one-quarter cup of warm water. Mix the solution and drink immediately.

Side effects of consuming baking soda

While the first method of soaking in baking soda may be innocuous, the second method may not be. The (excessive) consumption of baking soda may lead to other conditions such as diarrhea, frequent urination, convulsions, or even chronic constipation. And in some rare cases, there might be stomach rupturing.

Furthermore, baking soda has a high sodium content which may not be good for people with health conditions like high blood pressure and kidney disease.

Based on research, most health experts strongly advise against the use of baking soda as a remedy for constipation. Hence, if you must use it you must only do so as a quick-fix solution and not a long-term remedy. If your constipation persists, you need to try other methods or see a doctor.

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