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TB Home Remedies: Herbs & Plants For Tuberculosis Cough Treatment

Diseases And Treatments

TB Home Remedies: Herbs & Plants For Tuberculosis Cough Treatment

Herbal Plants Used For Tuberculosis treatment

Herbal Plants Used For Tuberculosis Cure And Treatment?

Currently, an estimated 1.7 billion people living on earth are infected with tuberculosis. This makes tuberculosis a sort of an epidemic disease, even if it lost that status decades ago. Not long ago, in the 20th century, it was estimated that tuberculosis was the leading cause of death in the U.S.

Nowadays, tuberculosis can be treated or prevented by using several methods, including the use of antibiotics. However, a drawback of most of these conventional methods of treatment for tuberculosis is the fact that you have to use them for long periods before getting positive results.

In this article, we shall be briefly looking at some methods of treating tuberculosis using herbal plants, and which can be done at home. But first, like in other posts, let?s get to know some more about the disease itself.

What is tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis, or simply TB, is an infectious disease that is caused by the transmission of bacteria from one person to another. The disease usually attacks the lungs and is marked by fever and small lesions in the lungs.

Besides the lungs, TB can also affect other parts of the body such as the spine and the brain, especially during the acute stages of the infection. Tuberculosis can be life-threatening, especially when it is left untreated or not treated properly.

Causes of tuberculosis

At the root, tuberculosis is caused by a class of bacteria called tubercle bacilli or Mycobaterium tuberculosis. And as previously stated, the bacteria are transmitted from person to person through inhalation or ingestion of the microbes. The bacteria spread when a person with active tuberculosis sneezes or coughs so that an uninfected person inhales the bacteria-containing germs.

And although tuberculosis is communicable, it, however, takes time to develop as it is not easy to contract. For someone to be infected with the bacteria he needs to spend ample time with an infected person. Moreover, the bacteria cannot be transmitted via shaking of hands or through eating or drinking with an infected person.

Signs and symptoms of tuberculosis

Someone who has been infected with the TB bacteria will show no symptoms; this is referred to as latent TB. However, when the infection becomes active (active TB), the person may experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Persistent coughing (sometimes with blood) that lasts for more than 21 days
  • Sweating at night
  • Fatigue, almost at all times
  • Poor appetite
  • Chills
  • Chest pain
  • Weight loss

Take note also, that, the above symptoms are associated with other diseases. Hence, you need to visit your doctor to perform a diagnosis so as to ascertain whether it is TB you have or not.

Risk factors

There are certain factors that can increase the risk of developing tuberculosis. Some of these risk factors are:

  • Compromised immune system due to any of the following:
    • HIV or AIDS
    • Some forms of cancer, as well as cancer treatment
    • Certain medications
    • Malnutrition
    • Age
    • Diabetes
  • Living in a place where family or friends are already infected with TB
    • Substance abuse
    • Vitamin D deficiency
    • Working in an environment where tuberculosis is endemic

Home remedies for tuberculosis

Below are some natural substances that can be used for effectively treating tuberculosis:

  1. Essential oils: According to a 2011 study, essential oils from three plants found in Colombia have been found to have positive effects on TB bacteria. Based on the study, the plants include Lippia Americana, Turnera diffusa, and Salvia aratocensis. Apart from these, other essential oils like eucalyptus essential oil have been shown to have TB-combating effects.
  2. Oranges: Orange is a common product that is often overlooked in treatment of many diseases. Orange contains essential minerals and vitamins, like vitamin C, which has immune-boosting properties. Apart from this, orange also possesses phlegm-reducing properties that should come in handy when treating TB. You can eat two medium size oranges or process them for their juice, and drink.
  3. Tomatoes: Tomatoes are packed with nutrients and minerals that are helpful in boosting the body?s immune system. You can reap the benefits of tomatoes for TB by drinking a mixture of blended tomato with water.
  4. Mint: Mint contains menthol, which has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that should benefit TB patients. For this method, get and crush some mint leaves, and then pour into a cup of boiling water. After 5 minutes, bring down the water and filter. Leave the mint tea to cool for a few minutes before drinking.
  5. Probiotics: Consuming probiotic-rich foods is another natural and effective method of treating tuberculosis. This is because probiotics help to suppress the growth of TB-causing bacteria. Examples of probiotic-rich foods are kefir and yogurt. So, if you are down with TB, drinking some probiotic-rich yogurt is a natural way of reducing the symptoms.
  6. Milk: Milk is another common product that can be used for treating TB. According to some reports, the presence of calcium in milk can help to alleviate some symptoms of tuberculosis.
  7. Garlic: Garlic contains allicin, which has antimicrobial properties that should come in handy when treating TB. You can add garlic to your meals or chew on some raw garlic cloves to improve the symptoms of tuberculosis.
  8. Black pepper: TB symptoms like chest pain and coughing can be reduced with black pepper. Black pepper contains piperine, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help in detoxifying the lungs, as well as in reducing inflammation.
  9. Green tea: Green tea is a natural source of EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate), which have bacterium-inhibiting properties. You can brew green tea by adding a teaspoon of green tea leaves to a cup of boiling water. After boiling for some few minutes, bring the mixture down and strain. Leave the tea to cool and drink. You can add some honey to the green tea before consuming.
  10. Honey: Honey is one natural liquid that may be considered as all-powerful, as it can be used in treating most diseases. For tuberculosis, honey?s anti-inflammatory and other natural properties can be helpful in reducing its symptoms. Add a teaspoon of honey to a cup of tepid water and drink twice or three times daily to reduce coughing and chest pain associated with tuberculosis.
  11. Adaptogenic herbs: Adaptogenic herbs are plants that help the body to cope with stress. These herbs can be helpful in boosting immunity. Examples of adaptogenic herbs are astralagus and rhodiola. You can benefit from adaptogenic herbs by taking their supplements or by brewing and drinking a tea from them.
  12. Coconut water: Coconut water is refreshing as well as nourishing to the body. Besides, drinking one cup of coconut water daily will help in reducing TB symptoms like symptoms and fatigue.
  13. Banana: Bananas are rich in potassium, which is an essential body mineral. Fatigue due to tuberculosis can be improved by consuming one or two bananas daily. You can also make and drink banana smoothie, if you don?t like eating them.
  14. Amla: Amla, or Indian gooseberry, can also be used in alleviating some symptoms of tuberculosis. Amlas work by helping to dampen the side effects of TB drugs, as well as to prevent the disease from recurring. All you need to do to benefit from amlas is to blend about four gooseberries to get the juice, and then, add some honey to the juice and drink at once. You should drink the juice on an empty stomach every morning, for optimum results.
  15. Pineapple: Pineapples can be beneficial in TB treatment due to their mucus-loosening and nasal decongesting properties. Thus, drinking a cup of pineapple juice or eating a slice of pineapple can help you to recover from the effects of tuberculosis.
  16. Drumstick leaves: The antimicrobial properties of drumstick leaves can be helpful in fighting off the TB-causing bacteria in the body. Add about 2 cups of water to a handful of drumstick leaves (which have been previously washed). Boil the leaves in the water for about 5 minutes, and then, add one teaspoon of lemon juice and a pinch of salt to the water. When cool, drink the mixture first thing every morning for two months.
  17. Water: As simple as it looks, drinking more water when you have tuberculosis is a healthy way of reducing TB symptoms. For instance, coughing and weakness due to dehydration can be improved by drinking at least 2 liters of water every day.
  18. Vitamin D-rich foods: Vitamin D-deficient people have an increased risk of developing TB. This is because vitamin D plays a vital role in the body by helping to enhance the activity of the immune system. Hence, eating foods packed with vitamin D, or taking vitamin D supplements is a natural way of boosting the body?s immunity against tuberculosis. Examples of vitamin D-rich foods are cheese, fish, and eggs.
  19. Custard apple: Custard apple is a fruit-bearing tropical American tree that is used in Ayurvedic medicine for treating tuberculosis. This plant is beneficial because of its anti-tubercular properties, which are similar to those of TB drugs. You can use custard apple by processing it for its pulp and boiling the pulp with some seeded raisins. Then, boil the mixture with about half a cup of water, strain and then drink up.
  20. Walnuts: According to a particular research, regular eating of walnuts can help to strengthen the body?s immune system against the symptoms of tuberculosis. This is attributed to the many nutrients that walnuts contain. So, if you haven?t started already, start eating some walnuts everyday to better your condition.

While the above natural remedies for tuberculosis have been proven as effective, they are only recommendations. You still need to consult with a doctor concerning your condition to know the best steps to take.

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